Driver for Pace USB-A Serial Adapter

[For Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista; file size: 2.3 Mbytes]

Driver for Windows XP: USB-A-Driver-Installer-Win-XP.exe

Instructions for use with the XR5 Data Logger is here.

Installation Instructions -

for use with the XR440 Data Logger, XR450 Data Logger and Pocket Logger Software

Step 1

USB-A Installation

Windows 10 or Windows 8 with Internet connection
Downloading and installing the above driver is not necessary. Simply insert the USB-A Adapter into a USB port, then click the New Device icon that appears on the task bar, and the driver will automatically install.

Windows 7 or Vista with Internet connection
Downloading and installing the above driver is not necessary if your computer is connected to the Internet; simply insert the USB-A Adapter into a USB port, and the driver will automatically download and install from the Internet.

Windows XP and Windows computer without an Internet connection

1. Remove the USB-A Serial Adapter from your computer.

2. Download the above file to any folder on your computer (example: My Documents). For Windows XP, download USB-A-Driver-Installer-Win-XP.exe

3. Double click the file to run it on your computer.

4. After the installation is complete, plug the USB-A into a USB port on your computer and follow any prompts that appear.  When finished, if running Windows 7 or Vista, the com port number assigned to the USB-A may temporarily display above the task bar.

Step 2

Find the com port number assigned to the USB Adapter

Windows 10
Hold down the Windows key and press the "x" key.  Click Device Manager.  Click the arrow beside "Ports".  The com port number for the USB-A is listed as USB Serial Port (COMx) where x is the com port number.

Windows 8
Display the "Charms" and click Settings, then Control Panel.  Click the System icon, and then the Device Manager button.  Click the arrow beside "Ports".  The com port number for the USB-A is listed as USB Serial Port (COMx) where x is the com port number.

Windows 7 or Vista
Click Start | Control Panel.  Click the System icon, and then the Device Manager button, then click the arrow ("+" if Vista) beside "Ports".  The com port number for the USB-A is listed as USB Serial Port (COMx) where x is the com port number.

Windows XP
Click Start | Control Panel.  Click the System icon, click the Hardware tab, and the Device Manager button, then click the "+" sign beside "Ports".  The com port number for the USB-A is listed as USB Serial Port (COMx) where x is the com port number.

Step 2

Set the Com port in Pocket Logger Software

From Pocket Logger Software's main menu, click Settings.  Then click the Com port number assigned to your USB Adapter in the section labeled "Port".